Wednesday, May 20, 2009

So cute it hurts

Ellie's dance class had their pictures on Saturday, and they got to wear their big poofy tutus, which have been hiding in closets so they don't get wrecked before the recital next month. Ellie's class was the last group, so my friend and I hung around a little longer and took some pictures of our own. This is Ellie and her best friend Katie, posing their hearts out. Aren't those costumes to die for?


  1. Oh my goodness they are darling!!! Noelle wants to do dance so badly but we figured we should wait until we move. Those outfits are truly to die for. I would have been in heaven if I had had something that beautiful when I was her age. (=

  2. That is the most adorable thing I've seen all day! It makes me want to put Abbie in a dance class just for the costume.

  3. Those are really adorable photos and outfits!

  4. That last one is so cute, I want to die! LOVE IT!

  5. Oh, Allie--these are absolutely precious! What more could a Grandma say! OK, how do I get copies of your blog pictures?!

  6. That is ridiculously cute! She has the face of an angel! All your girls do.


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