Welcome to Random Thoughts Thursday, the bloggy carnival thingy where we post about...whatever pops into our heads!
Joining in is simple. Just post your own random thoughts on your blog with a link back to mine. The easiest way to do this is to simply copy the html code from the box above and then paste it into your post. This will give you the above image as a link back to my blog. When you’ve done that, leave a comment on my most recent Random Thoughts post so we can make this a great big Random Thoughts Thursday festival!
Anyone and everyone is welcome to participate. Whether or not you know me personally, and even if you think I have no idea that you read my blog, I'd love for you to join in. And if you don't have a blog but you're still feeling random, feel free to leave a few thoughts in the comments for everyone else to enjoy.
To read past Random Thoughts, click here.