Chris is in Anaheim again tonight, which means I was on my own to fend off the scaries at bedtime. Lexi is still worried about vampires. I told her they weren’t real, and she responded with, “Sonja says they are.” (On an unrelated note, Sonja has a pony.) So we had to go through the whole Sonja’s-five-and-Mom-is-30 routine, which of course didn’t help at all. And now Lexi claims that last night she saw shadows in the hall. Never mind that the laundry room light was on and Chris and I were up much later than the girls and moving all around the house. It had to have been vampires. I don’t think Lexi actually has any clue what vampires really are, just that they’re something to be afraid of. And then Ellie, getting in the spirit of things, decided that she’s afraid of “flaming beetles”. At least I’m pretty sure that’s what she said. That was when I declared our house a vampire and flaming beetle-free zone, kissed them all goodnight, told them I didn’t want to hear another sound unless someone was sick and/or dying, and went downstairs for a bowl of ice cream. If I was a drinking person I would have poured myself a glass (bottle?) of wine. Or maybe had a beer. Not being a drinking person, I don’t actually know what people who do drink would have had, but it was that kind of night.
LOL...I have those nights way too often. We have started reading to our kids every night while they are laying in bed to go to sleep. That has helped a lot. As long as the books aren't scary. (= I have often thought that it is a good thing that I know better because there have been several times in my kids lives where they have been close to driving me there. (= Chocolate usually works for me.
ReplyDeleteOh great. Now I'M afraid of flaming beetles. Or what about flaming beetles that suck your blood? AAAAAAAAAH!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad we don't have to deal with fears yet. Just requests for water, and more water. I have to give Ellie kudos for creativity, but with Lexi as an older sister it is to be expected.
ReplyDeleteOh, we get the water requests. Wait till Abbie starts potty training. Then all day long she'll claim she doesn't need to go potty, and as soon as you say the magical word, "Bedtime!", she'll suddenly need to go at least 500 times. It just keeps getting better :)
ReplyDeleteThat's exactly what Keira does now! Bedtime=potty. No potty all day long. I think these kids are in cahoots!