Sunday, February 6, 2011

Welcome to Our Town

This is why we love Portland.


  1. I am so proud of our city after watching that. It gives me a funny feeling in my tummy...oh wait...I think it was just gas. Yeah. It's gone now.

  2. Seriously love this show. Makes me homesick. Bah hahaha!!! I LOVE it!!

  3. Sorry...but I am totally stealing this.

  4. Isn't there a similar video about the different kinds of organic and what constitutes real organic. I might be making that up but I don't think so.

  5. In Portland, you can knit a cozy for a bicycle stand and call it charity.

    Ha, my word verification is tater! "What's taters precious?"

  6. Ha! Love it! I just got around to watching this 'cause when you posted it we were in the hotel with crappy slow internet :( This show is pretty funny. Awesome video.


Will blog for comments

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