Thursday, May 5, 2011

Random Thoughts Thursday (late afternoon edition)

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My computer crashed yesterday.  It's in the shop now.  Of course, the most devastating thing about it was knowing that I might not be able to do a Random post today!  I mean, my public needs me, right?  Right?

Fortunately, Chris's laptop, which for the last two months has refused to work with our wireless connection, decided this afternoon would be a good time to start working again.  So, commence Random Thinking...

I have an irrational fear of double-decker bridges.  I think it stems back to the fact that the first time I'd ever heard of a double-decker bridge was when the Oakland Bay Bridge collapsed in the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake.  I pretty much hold my breath whenever I drive over the Marquam Bridge.

I learned last weekend that Ellie wants to be a veterinarian, a ski instructor, and in a band when she grows up.  Life is nothing without ambition.

I love book club Thursdays!

I'm supposed to be participating in a family-wide triathlon this Saturday (Chris and I are here, the rest of the family is in Utah).  Should be interesting.  Seeing as how I haven't done a thing to train for it, I may die.

My NAMIWalk is in two weeks!  I'm very excited, and incredibly amazed at the support I've received!

I guess I should start fixing dinner.  I don't want to.  But I will, and it will be yummy.

Your turn!

If you do a Random Thoughts post on your own blog, I'd love to know about it!  Leave me a comment and I'll come read!


  1. If I were you, I would come down with the flu on Saturday :)

  2. your public most definitely needs you. So glad Chris's computer worked for you so that you didn't disappoint. :)

  3. Abbie has added astronaut to her list of ambitions. I love it!

  4. Hey, I was supposed to be in a triathalon on saturday too- I piked. Which is possibly an aussieism for i am not going to do that. Apparently no one my team has trained much, so I wouldn't have stood out.


Will blog for comments

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