Tuesday, June 2, 2009

That's my girl!

Ever since she was in kindergarten, Vicki has wanted to be in the school talent show. She's a talented kid, no doubt about it, but she hasn't had many talents that are show worthy, if you know what I mean. You can't really get up on stage and speed read and make a connection with your audience. Last year she wanted to play the piano, and I had to point out to her that 1. she didn't know any songs, and 2. we didn't have a piano. It was heartbreaking.

But then last summer we got a piano. In October she began taking lessons. She is her teacher's only student (apart from her own children), so there hasn't really been an opportunity for recitals or anything like that. But she was determined to play in the talent show this year and she's been working for the past few months on her piece. She's gifted with a natural ear for music and things tend to come very easily to her, but she also has the downfall of becoming very discouraged when things don't come so easily, so mastering this piece has been a bit of a mountain for her to climb. We finally worked out a practice schedule that works well for everyone involved, and the improvement over the last month or so has been astounding.

She may not have been the most polished pianist at the talent show this morning, but I still think she was the star.



  1. I love her face at the end. She just looks at you like, "Well, it's over." Tell her congrats from me for doing such a great job.

  2. I think she did great! She plays that song better than I do and I have been attempting to learn the piano for some time. Way to go Vicki!

  3. That is not an easy song with the left hand movement. I had to say something all music teachery to sound all smart and official. Vicki did a great job! Tell her Auntie Pamela is very proud of her!
    And, I'm proud of you for setting up a practice schedule for her. Most of my 5th grade strings parents don't even do that. Get Vicki used to a practice routine early and it won't be an issue later. Such a good mama!

  4. The more I hear about Vicki the more she reminds me of myself at her age. I was used to things (school) being easy and too often I wanted to give up when things didn't come easy. Good job and getting a practice routine down -- I know it helped me. And good job playing Vicki! I'm impressed

  5. One more thing.. For the record you are the complete opposite of TAMN. That said, it cracks me up that the theme of her post today and your post yesterday are so similar. Actually I laughed when I read her's because I thought of your intro to the post.

  6. Way to go Vicki! Anyone who plays the piano is awesome in my book. So, I found your blog again! Now I will officially mark it down so that I don't lose it again :)

  7. Doing anything in front of an audience is hard for most kids to do, let alone playing the piano. She did a great job!

  8. Awesome! I am surprised it was not a Beetles song. However S&G is always good too. I love the look before and after making sure that "you got it all on tape right?"


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