Friday, July 30, 2010

Moral Dilemma

We all know I love spelling and grammar.

I may be in a minority here, but we're a strong and vocal minority.  You can find snarky grammar blogs all over the internet.

Ever since I discovered The "Blog" of "Unnecessary" Quotation Marks, I've been spotting offenses everywhere.  You may even remember my delight awhile back when one I submitted was featured.

Well, when I say everywhere, I mean everywhere.  I volunteer at the girls' school, and way back at the beginning of the year I noticed an offending sign in the art room there.  Because of Project 365, I pretty much always have a camera handy, so I took a picture.  Several months later I submitted it, along with three or four others.

Well, whenever I post on the blog, I link to it on Facebook.  And since the time I submitted those particular photos, I have become Facebook friends with a couple of the staff at the school.  And I know they follow the links and read this blog (hi there!)

So, what I'm about to do is essentially to make fun of my daughters' school.  But not really.  I love the school and the people who work there!  I don't have any idea who wrote the sign, or whether they even work at the school anymore (or if they ever did; it may have been a volunteer like myself, for all I know.)  So I hope no one thinks I'm mocking them if I go ahead and point out that this particular picture was posted on the "Blog" yesterday.


My apologies to the school.  But don't forget to put it away.  Never, ever "dump it".


  1. I am now paranoid about quotation mark usage! I KNOW I am a huge violator of grammar rules and I will re-read all my blog posts and think "WWAT"...What would Allison Think? See? I am not even sure if it was appropriate to use of quotation marks!! Ahhh!!!

  2. I just heard an interview with the author of the book, "Woe is I," The Grammarphobe's Guide to English in Plain English. She was fascinating. I thought of you. So if we get your name for Christmas (I can't believe I'm talking about Christmas already!) you know what you are getting!

  3. LOVE it! Mostly I love your huge disclaimer. You crack me up.


Will blog for comments

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